My Journey Beyond Beyond (book)

Mike’s first book, ‘My Journey Beyond Beyond’ is widely available in print and as an ebook from this site.

Where can I get my copy?

The Book Depository offers free delivery worldwide.

Barnes & Noble
are offering it on their website in the USA, as are Waterstones in the UK. You may also wish to check your country's Amazon site or order it from a local bookseller.

The recommended price is £12.99 GBP (UK) and $16.99 USD (USA). Please do not pay significantly more than this (or the equivalent in your own currency).
Ebook version

This book is available as an ebook from this website. It is no longer on the Kindle store, but the epub file, once downloaded, can be viewed with a Kindle device or app.

Publication details

To find the print book on other websites please search using ISBN or book title and author. You may also use this information to order from your local bookseller:

  • Title: My Journey Beyond Beyond
  • Author: Mike Parsons
  • Publisher: The Choir Press (September 28, 2018)
  • ISBN-10: 9781789630084
  • ISBN-13: 978-1789630084
Also from 2018

Sons Arise!
events recordings

Get the recordings of all 6 of our Sons Arise! events held at the Freedom Centre, Barnstaple, UK in 2018.

The Restoration of All Things (book)

Mike's second book, The Restoration of All Things, was published in 2021. It is the sequel to 'My Journey Beyond Beyond'.

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